Data Exchange

The Data Exchange entry is your access point to the following:

  • Imports/Exports — Imports into and exports from lists and segments can be managed and launched from here.
  • Tasks — Import, export, SQL and batch tasks are managed from this section.
  • Data Syncs — Data syncs between CRM and Marigold Engage are managed here.
  • Custom Components & Channels — Web, Stored Procedure, Custom Channel and Connector Message Sync Custom Components can be managed from this section.
  • Inbound Events — Events used for inbound messaging are managed here.
  • Data Explorer — To query specific user and system tables based on SQL language.

The 'New' button in the upper right corner gives access to a drop-down with all the different items that can be created from the Data exchange entry.

Note: Data Exchange is only visible in the left navigation if the user has at least access to one of the features.